Thursday, February 3, 2011

Network users Automatically Disconnected

click here for more info.

Command Line
NOTE: If you use this method, you may turn off the autotuning feature for the Server service.

To change the default time-out period for the autodisconnect feature of the Server service, open a command prompt, type the following line, and then press ENTER
net config server /autodisconnect:number
where number is the number of minutes that you want the server to wait before it disconnects a mapped network drive. The maximum value for this command is 65,535.

NOTE: If you set the autodisconnect value to 0 (zero), the autodisconnect feature is not turned off, and the Server service disconnects mapped network drives after only a few seconds of idle time.

To turn off the autodisconnect feature, open a command prompt, type the following line, and then press ENTER:
net config server /autodisconnect:-1

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Antivirus for Windows Server 2003

Vipre Premium Anti-virus belt by SUNBELT Softwares.

try really works!

Windows 2003 server Difficulties

When you install this type of server, you must disable the automatic updates so that the network connection will not be interrupted. During the client to server connection, the WIN32 Generic Host Service will stop randomly because of the Automatic Updatyes needs to restart your computer.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Free Software Downloads

Portable Adobe Photoshop CS3

Click here

Deep Freeze for Windows 2000/XP

Click here

Tune Up 2009

Click here

USB Disk Security

Click here

Worm Blaster

Click here

Monday, June 28, 2010

Steve Jobs on iPhone4G Antenna Problem

Founded back in 1997 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, Apple has come a far way from the days of the Apple II. Back then, Apple was regarded as a runner up in the home computing world with Microsoft instead stealing most of the shine with Windows. Now, Apple has surpassed Microsoft in market value and has some of the fastest selling technologically based products on the market today.

Read: Steve Jobs Comments On iPhone 4 Reception Issues, Says There is None [Apple CEO Steve Jobs Takes Back Previous Statement, Implies a Reception Fix is Coming Soon] » TFTS – Technology, Gadgets & Curiosities

Seeing how just about every product of Apple’s proceeds to either sell-out tremendously fast, crash a server or two, or all of the above, it’s quite obvious that there would be a considerable amount of hype surrounding and there has. Ever since the iPhone 4 was first leaked by Gizmodo Apple fanboys everywhere have been soaking up every bit of information about Apple’s latest handset that they can.

Launching on June 24th with pre-orders on June 15th, Apple’s iPhone 4 managed to crash not only Apple’s servers, but AT&T’s, as well due to massive pre-orders. Some consumers received their devices as early as June 22nd with some pre-orders getting canceled and others getting delayed until early July.

Whatever the case may be, when purchasing any product with such hype, you expect said product to live up to the hype which the iPhone 4 arguably has been, and arguably has not been. The newest iPhone is essentially just an upgraded version of the 3GS so it wins there, but one thing is has been receiving a lot of bad press about is its antenna. Announced at WWDC as an amazing new feature by Apple CEO Steve Jobs, the exterior band acting as an antenna has given the phone more problems than praise.

If you’ve been following the phone at all you’ll know that if you position your grip correctly, you can force it to lose reception and drop calls. Previously, Steve Jobs has said changing the grip would remedy the problem but it seems he has now retracted that statement.

When e-mailed again by an iPhone 4 user regarding the reception issue, Steve Jobs responded with the following statement:

There is no reception issue. Stay Tuned.

Could this possible mean that the issue is actually software related and not hardware related like previously thought? I guess we’ll have to wait and find out.

Read: Steve Jobs Comments On iPhone 4 Reception Issues, Says There is None [Apple CEO Steve Jobs Takes Back Previous Statement, Implies a Reception Fix is Coming Soon] » TFTS – Technology, Gadgets & Curiosities


Wednesday, March 17, 2010